
cannot seem to uninstall / reinstall agent

Windows 10 laptop not reporting in to KACE so I decide to uninstall/reinstall to get it working. (Have to do this occasionally to get a machine checking in again.)

When I run amptools uninstall all-kuid it appears to run successfully but the folder structure remains.

And when I download and run the .msi from https://kaasappliance.myfirm.com/adminui/agent_token.php?ID=1 I get an error message. The installer is looking for a network resource that is unavailable and defaults to a source called C:\KACE\Applications\528

I just want to re-install the client and I'm out of ideas.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE>amptools uninstall all-kuid

[2023-06-21.15:16:41][AMPTools:AgentTools::StopIfNeede] [Stopping Service]

Stopping AMPWatchDog ...

AMPWatchDog stopped successfully

Stopping OfflineScheduler ....

OfflineScheduler stopped successfully

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KoneaTools::StopKonea  ] [Stopping konea]

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClient::Launch  ] KLaunchClient::Launch()

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClient::DumpStat] Launch State:  Command="C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE\konea.exe" Arguments="-stop"  WorkingDir="" Timeout=3600000 ShouldDetach=0 ShowWindow=0 Redirect_stdout=1 Redirect_stderr=0 Desktop=winsta0\default Using Wait_Override=0

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchUtils::DoesToken] DoesTokenHaveLSAPriviledges returning: 0

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClientImpl::Laun] KLaunchClientImpl::Launch()    DoesCurrentProcessHaveLSAPriviledges = false

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClientImpl::Laun] KLaunchClientImpl::LaunchNoSession()

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClientImpl::Setu] KLaunchClientImpl::SetupStartInfo    *Don't CreateStdPipe StdIn Pipe (disabled)

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClientImpl::Laun] KLaunchClientImpl::LaunchNoSession - CreateProcess returned successfully

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClientImpl::Read] KLaunchClientImpl::ReadStdPipe   End of ReadStdPipe method

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KLaunchClientImpl::Proc] KLaunchClientImpl::ProcessResults - End

[2023-06-21.15:16:43][AMPTools:KoneaTools::StopKonea  ] Service "konea" stopped.

AMPWatchDog already stopped

OfflineScheduler already stopped

Remove the entire data directory

Removing KUID from registry if exists

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 1 year ago
Red Belt

you need to be outside of the folder if you want to delete a folder.

And more interesting is why they stop to check in. I would suggest to run a KAT (from the Support-Page of your appliance) on an affected device and open a case with it.

Posted by: sizzla 1 year ago
Senior White Belt

Run the .MSI installer again to uninstall or remove the agent.

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