
Chrome uninstall help

So i have a chrome installer that is all set and works fine-except it only works with clients that do not have chrome installed. For whatever reason, the installer does not either update or uninstall the previous version of Chrome that is installed. 


has anyone figured out a way to do this? I looked around and  found this link-



But I could not get the script mentioned to run. If I open the msi in Orca, I can see references to removing existing products, but I have no idea what I would want to change the line to(I am attaching a screenshot so you can see what I am referering to.


Any help is appreciated




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Answers (4)

Posted by: WhitzEnd 12 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt

The Chrome Enterprise/Business Installer will not uninstall previous versions of the consumer version of Chrome.  You will need to do a 2 step process to perform this.  You could have the VBS and your MSI installer and just run them both in 1 swoop with a BAT file.  

  • Thank you for that clarification. I will try to create a zip file and see what happens.

    Thank you - dkurz8814 12 years ago
Posted by: jdornan 12 years ago
Red Belt


are you using the enterprise msi?

Posted by: hrs2cool 12 years ago
Black Belt

Write a customaction/script to uninstall the previous version & then install your package

Posted by: egiberne 12 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt


Sorry, the picture is too small, i cannot read the field.

I think, you can trying with the "upgrade" table to uninstall the previous msi.  

With something like that :

UpgradeCode ="PreviousMaxVersionGUID"



Language="PackageLanguage" (ex :1033)

Attributes="769" (=512+256: Remove all previous version, Max include) 


ActionProperty="ISFOUNDNEWERPRODUCTVERSION" (Upgrage if the previous version detected)

Hope, this help you.

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