
Silent installation of Citrix Reciever

Using citrixreciever.exe /silent  the product installs but then asks for an account dialog box.... anyone find a way to supress that?



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Answers (4)

Posted by: dunnpy 11 years ago
Red Belt

Does the Receiver 13 notes in the Deployment Tips section of this site help?


Note sure what your account pop-up is, but it looks like you could specify the details on the command line.




  • Try http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/receiver-windows-34/receiver-windows-cfg-command-line.html - BW~Merlin 11 years ago
  • citrixreciever.exe /silent ADDLOCAL="ReceiverInside,ICA_Client" - mccarts 11 years ago
Posted by: titusr 10 years ago
Senior White Belt
Here are the only two needed pieces that suppress the config popup after install and at first log in of users. I realize this post is a little old but I'm sure others have the same question.

Create reg key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix   [EnableFTU]  DWORD=0 (putting in this location will prevent you from having to set a current user key so it can be scripted and not have to be set with a GPO or log on script)

Add to install command linel: /ALLOWADDSTORE=N

These are the two settings I use to not get the configuration popup at first log in and it works perfectly.
Posted by: mccarts 11 years ago
White Belt

CitrixReceiver.exe /silent ADDLOCAL="ReceiverInside,ICA_Client"

Posted by: arbyter@hotmail.com 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt



My Installation (Citrix Receiber Vers 14.1) with Domain Passtrough and no questions for a Konto:

Step 1: Installation

CitrixReceiver.exe /silent /includeSSON /ALLOWADDSTORE=N /ENABLE_SSON=yes STORE0="AppStore;https://YourServer.domain.net/Citrix/Store/discovery;on;HR App Store"

Step 2: Passtrough

You need some registry entries:

'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Logon\Local Credentials' 'SSOnUserSetting' 'true,false' 'REG_SZ'
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Logon\Local Credentials' 'EnableSSOnThruICAFile' 'true' 'REG_SZ'
 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Logon\Local Credentials' 'UseLocalUserAndPassword' 'true,false' 'REG_SZ'
 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Logon\Local Credentials' 'LegacyLocalUserNameAndPassword' 'true' 'REG_SZ'
 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Logon\Local Credentials' 'SSOnCredentialType' 'Any,NT,NDS' 'REG_SZ'
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\SSON' 'Enable' 'true' 'REG_SZ'


Step 4: Disable ask for a konto

Register32 'HKEY_Current_User' 'SOFTWARE\Citrix\Receiver' 'EnableFTU' '0' 'REG_DWORD'


Step 5: You have to add your Storefront Server (Citrix Server) on the Clients Intenet Explorer "Local Intranet Zone". I have done it with GPO.


Step 6:I will have the Citrix Application on the startmenue Folder Citrix-Applications:

Register32 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'SOFTWARE\Citrix\Dazzle' 'StartMenuDir' '\Citrix-Applications\' 'REG_SZ'

Thats it!


Uninstall Silent:

CitrixReceiver.exe /uninstall /silent

I have also deletet this Key ( I had some Problems to install citrix again, maybe for the future new version)

HKey_LOCAL_MACHINE' 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb





  • For the uninstall I use C:\programdata\citrix\citrixreceiver\trolleyexpress.exe /uninstall /silent /cleanup I use this because trolleyexpress is already on the machine after install and the cleanup command will help to remove all of the components, directories and registry entries created by the installer. - titusr 10 years ago
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