Create a Process ticket without generating a Child Ticket
Hi All
We want to create Process tickets with approvals but without creating child tickets.
We have found that child tickets are not required for some of our teams but require the approval process. Is there a way to create a process ticket with a set of approvers (x3), then once the last approver has given their approval leave the ticket in an 'In Progress' status until the ticket has been completed and then close?
In testing, we find that once the last approval has been given the ticket status updates to Complete, but the work has not been done. How can we uncheck the Use process status workflow instead of ticket status? It won't allow you to uncheck the box.
Answers (2)
Don’t use a process, or the approvals process as what you appear to be asking is more complex than KACE standard functionality can deal with.
If you can make your approved ticket owners great!!
Set the “process” in terms of ticket rules, so log the ticket,
send to first approver,
display approval fields,
when approved send to second approver,
display approval fields,
when approved send to third approver,
display approval fields,
when approved send to whoever will complete the job
Use the status field to show at what stage the ticket is and also to drive which approval fields are shown.
this Is relatively straight forward but will take time to configure and test, if you need a hand, email me ;o)