CSVDE to add new users
Hey im trying to get this script to work on my 2008 DC
dn, sAMAccountName, userPrincipleName, objectClass
"cn=Dan Hoffman, ou=Sales, dc=%D-Jake%, dc=local", DanHoffman, DanHoffman@%D-Jake%.local, user
"cn=Mike Vicek, ou=Sales, dc=%D-Jake%, dc=local", MikeVicek, MikeVicek@%D-Jake%.local, user
"cn=Don Hawkins, ou=Sales, dc=%D-Jake%, dc=local", DonHawkins, DonHawkins@%D-jake%.local, user
And it keeps shooting me errors about error on line 2 after doing some reading this doesnt really help narrow it down any advice?
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Answers (1)
Answer Summary:
Spelled Principal wrong and changed %D-Jake% to D-Jake just dropped % signs and it went no problem.
Spelled Principal wrong and changed %D-Jake% to D-Jake just dropped % signs and it went no problem.
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Posted by:
12 years ago
Friend made me feel foolish :( spelt Principal wrong and tchanged %D-Jake% to D-Jake just droped % signs and it went no problem.
Good question though! Do you like scripting better than using the gui? - CML_50oldfox 12 years ago