
Custom install of SMA Agent

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We are attempting to do a custom install of the agent following this KB https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/kb/153581/kace-k1000-agent-installation-properties

The script that we are using is as follow:

msiexec /i c:\Users\Tech\Desktop\ampagent-10.1.43-x86.msi HOST=kbox.domain.com INSTALLLOCATION="K:\KACE\INST" APPDATALOCATION="K:\KACE\APP" /qn

When we look at the K:\ drive, we find out that only the "INSTALLOCATION" variable is able to install and all the files are listed there, but not the APPDATALOCATION, We are running SMA v10.1.99, and the way we execute is locally from a batch file, and also we try deploying it from the SDA as a post-install task, same result.

You may ask why are we modifying the installation path? well, we have 500+ computers running DeepFreeze and we are attempting to have a Thawed space, in this case, K:\ so the agents will update to a new version as they are released.

Also, when we launch the batch file the K:\ drive is empty so it successfully creates K:\KACE\INST but not ...KACE\APP 

Any clue why this installation is incomplete?


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  • The parameter INSTALLLOCATION does not exists in the Administrator's Guide, that means it's MSIEXEC running that parameter, I don't think the KACE SMA agent has been designed to run outside of C:\ - Channeler 4 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

can you please check at first if the APPDATA is a hidden folder? (Which it should for some security reasons)

  • I did check and K:\KACE\APP is empty with no hidden files, however... C:\Programdata\Quest\KACE contains the files that supposed to be at K:\ as indicated on the batch file.
    Lools like the APPDATALOCATION= variable is completely ignored by the installer.

    I removed the agent, cleared folders, and tried again, but still the same. - horacior 4 years ago
    • can you please open a SR with support so support can analyze it and if nessesary escalate it to development - Nico_K 4 years ago
      • Thanks, I just submitted the SR, will see what they say. - horacior 4 years ago
Posted by: horacior 4 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt


Quest Support has identified as a defect K1-20996. Not sure how long will this take to get fixed or be included on new releases but they are now aware of it.

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