Customizing/formatting outbound emails in KACE 1100
Is there a way to modify an existing template so that only the comment field appears in the body of the email. For example, when the email upon change is evoked, it sends an email with every single change to the ticket/work request. I would like it to *only* include the comment as an option.
Are this emails have a modifiable format, or are they fairly stock (we can only change the tect and SQL fields to be included).
Thank you in advance!
Thank you Gray!! - kmp4362 11 years ago
Answers (1)
In the queue configuration, directly under the "Email on Events" heading is a link to "[Customize Emails]". That has the modifiable subject and body for each of those emails. This is also described in the Service Desk Administrator Guide (page 29 of the 5.4 version). to download the latest guide.