
Deploy CRM 2011 Outlook Client

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I am having problems deploying the CRM 2011 outlook client if I run the script locally it works fine but if I deploy through kace through managed installation it does not work.

The command I am using is SetupClient.exe /q /config Default_Client_Config.xml

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • How did you get this to run successfullly? I'm also using the commang setupclient .exe /q /i installconfig.xml, but I still receive the prompts, starting with the EULA, Allow Windows update, etc. - JamminITGuy 9 years ago

Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
I have amended the script and have managed to get it deploying now.
Posted by: dchristian 12 years ago
Red Belt

What ddeployment tool are you using?

  • Hi,

    I have amended the script and have managed to get it deploying now.


    Rebecca - Rebecca_Bunting 12 years ago
Posted by: WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Did you put the config file up as a dependency?

Posted by: andemats 12 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

Recently did this and also had some issues, so I thought I'd provide what I found.

I'm running the installation with the local System account and by default this account don't have network access. The installer checks for dependencies during installation, and if they're not found it will be downloaded. If you do a manual install, the log file will tell what dependencies and what links are used to download them from. I had some issues with Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant (on WinXP SP3). It seems this installer is not fully supported on XP, so I had to place it in a script that ran the installer twice in a row to make it install at all.

My customer also wanted to apply a server connection automatically. This can be done silently with the configuration wizard. When doing this, make sure the entries in your Default_Client_Config.xml are correct. The values are case sensitive.

  • Ex. microsoft.crm.application.outlook.configwizard.exe /q /i "c:\SilentInstall\Default_Client_Config.xml" /l "c:\SilentInstall\clientinstall.log"
    • /q = silent install
    • /i = config file location
    • /l = config log location
Posted by: er.hsingh 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

CRM 2011 comes with client.msi file, create the MST on this and install.

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