
Deploying software fails because of UAC, Altiris vs SCCM

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My company is just getting started with SCCM 2012 so no one is really fimilar with it yet, but I wonder if it will accomplish what I need to do. We are phasing out using Altiris Software Delivery, but I was having trouble making that work also.


For example, I need to install DOORS 9.3. Using Altiris, I have a .bat that first checks to see if DOORS 9.2 is installed and if so it uninstalls 9.2 using START /W MsiExec.exe /X{string} /qn, removes a few regkeys that were adding when installed. Next it installs DOORS 9.3 using START /W %installpath%\doors.exe "extra parameters", then it adds a few regkeys, then if 64bit it installs a few more regkeys. Finally it calls another .bat that installs the training module.


Everything works fine on XP, but UAC is killing it on Win7. If I could have all the files locally, I could run the task as System Account and I think UAC would be an issue. I don't see where I can first copy the exe from the share and then run it locally. The account that I tried using does have Read & Execute premissions to the share and is a member of the local administrators group. 


Since we are moving to SCCM anyways I was hoping you could help me better understand the process I need to learn. Since the DOORS installer is not an msi and I need to fo multiple steps, I don't think I can use the Applications section to deploy it. I looked at Packages, but it seems kind of similar to Altiris in that it has a command line section that you can either run the command straight from there it have it run the .bat, where I think I would run into the same issue as before.

What's the piece of the puzzel I'm missing for complicated software installs? Thanks!

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Answers (3)

Posted by: dandirk 12 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

We are just getting 2012 in our test lab, from what I have seen, deployments/packages are pretty different then in 2007, so just keep that in mind.

With SCCM, I generally try and stay away from bat scripting like you have it.   I like to segment each commond on its own.  To perform the same thing with SCCM 2007 (remember something similar but different is probably available in 12).

1. You could write a program dependancy chain.  Each SCCM program should run a seperate command.  This can get complicated since you have different scenerios like Fresh install and upgrade, each essentially requiring a seperate dependancy chain.  You could have to probably use 2 collections and 2 adverts to use chaining like this, generally I only use this for simple 1 or 2 step processes. Though I hear dependacies are vastly improved in 2012.

2. Task Sequence, these are limited to per computer deployments but have the if/then capabilities to do everything you need with one TS object.  You can add steps as you need them.

I do think you need to look into the Apps section a bit more, I think that is where you can chain all the package commands... though as I said have not really played with it yet...

If I were to guess you are running into UAC issues because you are not running the installs as system, and/or need to call the bat files as system with something like cmd.exe /c ....pathtobat.  Calling the bat files directly may be causing the prompts (just guessing).

  • I'm still wrapping my brain around it, but from you said I think got me pointed in the right direction. Program dependency chain... hmmm

    I found this link that if I read it enough, hopefully will clear things up http://allthingsconfigmgr.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/package-vs-application/

    I'll report back later. - mykllynyrd 12 years ago
Posted by: Sweede 12 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

Hi You just add a package, point to your source and here you have your install.

make one program pointing to  a cmd file if you like with your steps one by one run as administrator and files will be downloaded to the client only one adverticement will do

UAC problems is related to running in not Admin mode and running something of a not permitted name like install setup or update

then you migth have to make a shim look at

Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5

You have to download the Microsoft Application capability toolkit latest version i 5.5



Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

If you are in a domain

You can create a GPO to turn off the UAC


here is another link on MSI and UAC



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