
Dymo Label Software 7.8


I have tried to script this application but to no avail.
Has anyone successfully scripted or packaged it before.
It uses WISE so therefore supports /S however it requires reboots, requires drivers to be pre-installed etc.

Is anyone able to point me in the correct direction.

I am pretty much a newbie to all this as well :-)

Thanks in advance

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Answers (7)

Posted by: India_Repackaging 15 years ago
Blue Belt
Kindly be specific of exactly about what kind of issues you are facing with the application. Only then would we be able to help you.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Has anyone successfully scripted or packaged it before.There are some notes about v4 and v7 in the 'Package KB'.

it requires reboots, ...probably because the original packager was unaware of how to avoid one. It's probably done simply to ensure that the 'printer' appears in the 'Printers' Control panel applet. Lazy.

requires drivers to be pre-installed etc. See the 'sticky' link at the top of this forum's main page - and many, many posts on th esubject - about how to handle drivers.

Horrible, baptism of fire for someone new to packaging but what a way to learn! Follow the links, read the posts and then pop back with any issues.
Posted by: Arry74 15 years ago
Green Belt
Thanks guys

I have read the notes etc but am still confused.
I have scripted a number of apps at work but they have been rather simple and use installshield or ms installer ie msi

The problem is that I don't really know where to begin with this one except for the /s switch.
I have tried the Appdeploy Repackager but that failed.

PS. The sticky link to the explanation does not work [:(]

Thanks :-)
Posted by: rbrucelee1978 15 years ago
Orange Belt
If the Dymo Label software has already been packaged, it doesn't actually need a reboot, you just need to create a service control which stops and starts the print spooler service. When you have created the service control, then just create a property REBOOT=ReallySuppress.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
You have unfortunately been tasked with one of the more involved processes in packaging, i.e. the installation of a driver or drivers. With all due respect, this is not the place for a line-by-line tutorial. I'd suggest that you either pass this on to one of your colleagues or, if you have none capable, that you secure the services of an experienced packager.
Posted by: jaybee96 9 years ago
Red Belt
Dymo label printer Repackaging is not that bad, 
you can use RayPack for example ( https://raypack.raynet.de/en/home)

1. Repackage the installation
2. Replace all driver info with the Driver wizard.

Driver INF file explains where the resources are, just put them in the right place and add them to your MSI project.
Don't forget to check the registry entries and especially dont forget to restart the printer spooler ;-)

DM if you need additional info.

Posted by: Arry74 15 years ago
Green Belt
Apologies however I do not know what you mean.
Can someone please give me a starting point as I am at a loss how to begin this one
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