"Email Ticket" link on HD Tickets
Got another difficult issue that is almost pointless, but whatever.
DBA tester found the "Email Ticket" button at the top of the ticket screen. See below:
He was wanting to know why it didn't pull email addresses from LDAP server (he wasn't sure what his manager's email address was) and also said it could allow external emails of this potentially secret information. (I argued they could just email out from Outlook and that the email links to their LDAP name). Second, the formatting of the email is poor.
Does anyone know if you can pull names from LDAP into that email ticket field, or if you can prevent that link from showing up?
Answers (3)
Out of the box, that field cannot pull names from LDAP. You could scroll down a bit further and lookup an address in the cc list field and copy /paste that. Or, contact KACE professional services for a quote on a plugin that allows front-end customizations.
Out of the box, that field cannot pull names from LDAP. You could scroll down a bit further and lookup an address in the cc list field and copy /paste that.
The kbox's ability to email to the outside world is controlled by your email servers not by the kbox. Our PON services team has a plugin that allows front-end customizations. With this utility you could do one or both of making that field query your user list and hiding the link. If you're interested email them at KacePSQuote@kace.com
Gotcha. Thanks. Can it simply be taken off, maybe if I do a support ticket? - gcarpenter 11 years ago
Customizing isn't covered by support. Only through pay services ona pay basis - jdornan 11 years ago
Depending on your needs and setup you could block the external mail at the connected or server
Good idea. I thought it was already halfway blocked anyways. Thanks guys. - gcarpenter 11 years ago
You can also tell them that they don't see that link for email unless they are an admin or ticket owner. Since both can be limited you have a limited number of people who could do anything like send it out via that link.
Plus there are other ways to lose data besides the KBOX,which unless you are attaching SSN numbers, you really aren't giving away to much info.
Block it at the exchange level
Also no disrepect meant to the DBA but if they don't know their managers email address, they have bigger issues to worry about then the KBOX as I am sure they could query a db that has it on their own.