Error message when trying to run SQL Statements within MY SQL WorkBench
I have been using MY SQL workbench for awhile to run statments and now am getting the following error message:
Error Code: 1142 Select command denied to user 'R1@IPaddress for table HD_Ticket'
Where I put IPaddress this shows the actual IP address in the error message.
Has anyone else seen this error message and if so how did you fix it?
Answers (5)
Yes when there is a problem with your sql statement you will sometimes get this error.
Post your code and we can take alook and be of more help.
It usually is related ot a JOIN or UNION that has incorrect syntax or even a misspelled table name can cause it. Instead of telling you that table doesnt exists It will say basically you dont have permissions.
A usual suspect is the difference betwwen foo_BAR and foo.BAR
Select Denied for foo.Bar