
Express patch download

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Many time, device patching will at "Downloading" when a KB is needed. A patch download will fix that.

The issue is that everytime Patch Download process will first retrive Catalogs, and then download KB. Retrive Catalog may takes lots of time, especially in the morning at weekend, guess everyone is doing that. 

I know we should done a Dtect job first, yes we are doing, the problem is that some device just need another KB after one KB is applied.

Can we have a "Express Download" that download KB only?  I thnk New Catalog is not nescessary since Detect already has the matadata.

Any suggestion?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

run a patch download on a daily basis and refresh catalog and download the files after the catalog.
Even if you patch less frequent so all patches are avaiable in the SMA and the replication shares (if apply)
Run a regular detect job (detect only) to have the DB current for what is needed.
Give the appliance time to download the needed patches and replicate them to the repl shares
Run a regular deploy job (deploy only runs until a reboot is needed, detect and deploy will run a detect after the reboot if still updates needed and deploy them too until all updates are deployed)

NEVER EVER try to download the files all 30 or 60 min in a production environment!
In testing and debug environments with small amounts of patches in question (like: patch only VLC and 7-zip) this is a valid test and can speed something up. 
But usually this will kill the ability to patch since some downloads need more than 30 or 60min to download in some environments and therefore will never finish.

  • We are doing Detect Job couple days before Patching. patching in non Production, and then Patching Production -- we are following the best practice.
    We did have SDA for in-house application, but we don't have SDA to "Deploy" from UAT to Production for these off shelf application, such SharePoint. So UAT and Production is may not exactly same
    So, for whatever the reason, some server needs more KB after "Verify", and thus in "Downloading" status, so I hope to have a "Express Download"

    . - jeff.liu@mufgsecurities.com 4 years ago
Posted by: Hobbsy 4 years ago
Red Belt

Try setting your download settings to every 30 mins, that way you do not have a large patch download after the catalog is downloaded

  • Daily download for majority of patches are fine, usually at early morning in the weekday. Problem is one or 2 KB needed after "Verify" - jeff.liu@mufgsecurities.com 4 years ago
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