Files created instead of folders
Ok, here is a wierd one. I have a managed install and some scripts that will randomly create a file instead of the folder that it's supposed to create. For instance when I run my Quicktime managed install it will create a Quicktime file with no extension. Because this file has been created Quicktime will not install untill the file has been deleted and the install will run fine. Also I have some batch scripts that I run from the Kbox that as part of the script will create a folder, for example:
md c:\admin
Has anyone ever seen this happen before. I'm currently running 5.3.53053 with agent version 5.3.53177.
Answers (1)
I have had this happen with a certian post call on the k2000 that copies files to the admin desktop. I traced down to a timing problem.
I was auto logging on and the profile was being created yet and that command was trying to run so the desktop directory did not yet exist so it prompted on sceen "file or folder".