Final logon for kcleanup
Hi Everybody,
My sysprep image works OK but there is one final step that I need to make it perfect and that is the kcleanup.
This is the final step that starts when the image is finished.
How do I automate this? Now I logon manually ads an admin and then kcleanup starts.
I do this as an Admin because when the a "normal" users logs on they get errors because they are not Admin.
Is there a known post install task that anyone lnows about?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kins regards,
Ron Beugeling
Thank you for your help. I will look in to it when I have time available and get back to you. That will be however in the 2015! :) Kind Regards, Ron - beheer 9 years ago
Answers (2)
As SMal mentioned, it seems your autologon count is off. If you're on the 3.6 or newer of K2, you can download and run a tool called K2 Advisor that will examine your images and give you quite a bit of useful info, including recommended autologon count.
Once you have that count, you can either adjust your unattend.xml accordingly, or there is also a script that runs as a mid-level task to set the autologon count for you. Both tools I mentioned are available here at ITNinja on the K2000 Deployment Workbench.