Uninstalling Google Earth
We have a problem where I work with a ton of people having Google Earth installed on their workstations. I have been tasked with create a package/script to uninstall this application. The problem I am running it to is the UninstallString from the registry is this.
RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\10\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\program files\InstallShield Installation Information\{3DE5E7D4-7B88-403C-A3FD-2017A8240C5B}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -removeonly
This command works fine except that it prompts the user if they are sure they want to completely uninstall Google Earth. I have been trying and trying to figure out other command line options to use that would make the uninstall silent. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this to uninstall silently?
I have tired changing or add the following to the end of the uninstallstring.
-removeonly -s
-removeonly -q
-removeonly -y
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Answers (10)
Have you ever worked with AutoIt?
This is a different kind of solution however we use it sometimes to automate tasks like this.
You can write a very easy script (like one or two rows only) then compile the script to an selfexecuting .exe file which you can execute before you try to uninstall GoogleEarth.
It then puts an icon into the system tray (only temporary) which waits for the dialog box you told us and it then automatically confirms it the way you want it. And it does it so fast the user will not even notice what has happened.
Check the following link for more details or even send me a screen shot of your dialog box and I can create such a script for you.
I always put in a call or an email to the vendor as well if I run into a problem. That way if you hit a wall, you've already got the wheels in motion on the vendor side... as they can be slow getting back. I find Packagers don't call the vendor enough. I'm often very successful in getting silent install packages or packaging info from vendors.
And as this was built with InstallShield, you might want to post up on their forum as well. Sometimes you'll get a response from a IS employee.
How's that for offering zero help whatsoever? I'll stop typing now.
@echo off
if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Google\Google Earth\GoogleEarth.exe" GOTO FOUNDINPROFILE
echo Found In Profile !
REM Set FOUND var to Yes
SET FoundG_Earth=Yes
echo Copying ISS file to %USERPROFILE%
echo Executing Uninstall
"%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\InstallShield Installation Information\{3DE5E7D4-7B88-403C-A3FD-2017A8240C5B}\setup.exe" /uninstall /sms /s /f1"%USERPROFILE%\GEProf.iss"
echo Cleaning Up
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth\GoogleEarth.exe" GOTO FOUNDINPROGFILES
echo Found in Program Files !
REM Set FOUND var to Yes
SET FoundG_Earth=Yes
echo Copying ISS file to %USERPROFILE%
echo Executing Uninstall
"C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{3DE5E7D4-7B88-403C-A3FD-2017A8240C5B}\setup.exe" /uninstall /sms /s /f1"%USERPROFILE%\GEProg.iss"
echo Cleaning Up
IF "%FoundG_Earth%" == "Yes" GOTO FOUND
for /F "tokens=1-8 delims=/ " %%f in ('date /t') do (
set dd=%%f
set mm=%%g
set yyyy=%%h
set date="%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%"
echo Found and Removed Google Earth From This PC (%COMPUTERNAME%) on %DATE% > "\\SERVER\inventory$\GoogleEarthRemove\%COMPUTERNAME%.%USERNAME%.%date%.log"
START iexplore.exe "http://intranet/IT/messages/GoogleEarth.php"
echo Finished !
The problem with GoogleEarth is that it installs in different places, depending on whether you have local admin right or not. Before deploying the script, I had to "record" (setup.exe /r /uninstall /s /sms /f1C:\Path\To\Create\ISS\File.iss) an uninstall for each type of install: admin or non-admin. I then run a silent uninstall using the relevant .iss file for that type of install.
The last section (:FOUND) logs the uninstall to a text file and opens a web page I setup on our intranet explaining what had happened, and why, showing a copy of the GoogleEarth license file, with the "personal use" section highlighted.
Hope his helps someone !
What would be nice is if we could get the samething to work with Google Desktop Search!
I am still having fits trying to get this off of all of my PCs.
What would be nice is if I could figure out a way not to only get it off the PCs, but figure out a way to block them from installing it again.
As far as blocking them from installing it, all you can do is try to make it difficult. I've used GPO's to block GoogleEarth.exe from being run, which prevents them from running the setup file and starting up the application. Unfortunately all they need to do is rename the executable to get around it, but it's a start (just thought - that could affect the scripts detection method too - will find another file to check for !) The intranet page specified in the batch file explains why it has been removed, and asks the employee not to expose the company to any legal problems by reinstalling it. It also suggests they try http://maps.google.co.uk instead. I suppose ultimately, HR and IT Policies are the only way to enforce it, making sure that it's a disciplinable offence to install any unauthorised software. You could also block the downloading of executables and zip files via your proxy, if it supports it.
At the end of the day, I have the script run on every login, and all PC's are forcefully shut down each night. This should mean that any users will only get a days worth of use out of it before it's removed again, and would hopefully get sick of the hassle. I think it's quite irresponsible of Google to make an application that installs without admin rights, and could potentially get a company into trouble . . . and there was me thinking they could "Do No Evil". lol.
When google Earth installed on %Programfiles%\Google
the Silent Uninstall as Admin its works, it get a Response File and I can Uninstall GE
When google Earth installed on %USERPROFILE%\Google
I tray to make a Response File:
SART--> Run -->
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\InstallShield Installation Information\{3DE5E7D4-7B88-403C-A3FD-2017A8240C5B}\setup.exe /r
the Response File:
[InstallShield Silent]
File=Response File
[File Transfer]
Name=Google Earth
Problem: our Clint do not have permission to uninstall this Prduckt
I cant Uninstall as Silent:
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\InstallShield Installation Information\{3DE5E7D4-7B88-403C-A3FD-2017A8240C5B}\setup.exe /s /uninstall /sms/ f1
can you help?
They shouldn't need admin rights to uninstall, just like they didn't need admin rights to install it in the first place.
The uninstall just worked for me on PC's without admin rights, so I'm not sure I can really help.
Have you actually tried it ? Did you get an error message ? Have you tried uninstalling in a non-silent manner ?
Hello All,
Thanks for being productive creating a silent uninstall of Google earth. The way that worked for me uninstalling Google earth 7.1.2 silent was using the following command:
msiexec.exe /X{4D2A6330-2F8B-11E3-9C40-B8AC6F97B88E} /quiet /passive
I got this code from running the googleearth installer and before it gets done, I went to %Temp% and the code appears for few seconds and then it gone. so make sure be ready to copy the code right away.
Let me know if you have any question.
so that the conversation will remain readable.