
SmartDraw 2013 w/Driver Deployment

Hi i got a package smartdraw 2013 which insatalls printer drivers, and the application when i install manually will ask for a licencse key and after entring the license key only instllation will proceed further so could you please assist me how to proceed?

Actually i got some silent switches /silent to install silent but dring the instllation it asks for license key and that cannot be supressed by /silent command so kindly help me

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Answers (3)

Posted by: jaybee96 11 years ago
Red Belt

try capturing the installation and see if that works?

  • I even tryed capturing but after capturing the main application is working fine but the captured msi is not installing the printer drives.

    Actually when i install the given media (exe) it makes two entries in ARP one is the main application Smartdraw 2013 and the other is Nova pdf printer drivers.

    So finally i felt capturing is not an solution. - Jaswanth 11 years ago
Posted by: jagadeish 11 years ago
Red Belt

----- property

  • It is not extracting any msi it is an exe.

    I even try installing it by stopping windows installer services ,even after stopping the windows installer services it is installing - Jaswanth 11 years ago
Posted by: jagadeish 11 years ago
Red Belt

Create a Setup.msi as mentioned in the below document


  • I am new to Packaging. Can anyone please tell me how to package the .exe file of SmartDraw 2013 ..When i created the .msi file it is not taking the license information. any suggestions please - anu5ha 10 years ago
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