
Problem silently installing Hitachi Starboard software 9.4

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Hitachi starboard software 9.4 :-

Im trying to install this software with extracted MSI's. While Installing application one of the MSI "Starboard Solution\Win\StarBoardSoftware\msi\StarBoard IR Sensor Driver.msi" from mentioned location. In between the installation Windows Security Promt Pop's up with two options."Do not install this Driver Software" or Install this driver Software Any way. Any one how to Supress this or how to perform the installation with "Install this driver Software Any way" in Silent Mode.

If any one face this issue Please answer. I tried almost all thi things to register this driver Software like Dpinst, Certutil.exe, DIFx Creating Merge Module.

Also tell me if any knows how to install this software Setup.EXE with Silent Switch.

:) :) :)

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Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 11 years ago
Red Belt

In regards to the driver, is it signed?
I suspect Windows is moaning about that.

Hummm, I think its a lot of work trying to silently install unsigned drivers, you will need to mess around with Windows driver security to get passed it, and I dont recommened turing it off just so you can install it.

A better way would be to sign them yourself, then bundle it into a msi or how ever you want to deploy drivers.


My 2 pence worth: the drivers should be signed in the first place!!!! 


If its a Installedshield setup, have a look at this link.


Good luck!

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