How can I locate and disable a Windows Update patch with the K1000?
I have looked through my patch listing and can't find it, but Windows Search 4.0 is being pushed out to my clients now and I can't figure out how to stop it. It is KB940157 which doesn't show up in my patch list, and I can watch it deploy along with a dialog box that says "Patch is installing, this may take a few minutes" which they have to click OK on.
How can I stop this?
Answers (4)
I would stop the schedule first that is pushing it out. Check your schedules to see what was scheuled to run at the time you saw the message.
I then did a quick search under patch listing for the work search and found it. You can make it inactive at that point.
I basically did just that, except my searches come up with nothing. - nheyne 12 years ago
Have you tried to "Delete Unused Patch Files" under /systemui -> Control Panel -> Patch Settings -> Edit Mode?
This is a patch from 2007, which is superseded by many other Search tool patches. Deleting there, and insuring that superseded patches are not active might help.
I will try that, thanks! - nheyne 12 years ago
Have you seen this link?
Thanks but that doesn't apply, I have already disabled Windows Updates. My issue is with what KACE is pushing out. - nheyne 12 years ago