How can I pass variable to a task sequence stand alone media, that need to be modify prior the deployment for ex: Language Fr or EN ?
What I have to made Is a bootable USB that do not have acces to SCCM server. We want to give to site that have those machine a way to image those machine. On the sccm server we have collection that give a few variable: Like Version, Language, Office .. Prior the task sequence deployment. When I made a task sequence media from that task sequence those variable how not there and it dont work. How can I add a script or modify those variable and then deployed using the usb key.
To made my key usb I made a task sequence media stand alone on a dvd unlimited size and save it on disk. The Iso size was 36 gb. Then I use a tool to send the Iso file on a bootable usb key.
If it possible to modify a file and give those variable and then deployed that what i need to do. Can anyone help me with that.
Thanks you for the help
Answers (5)
Thank You for the answer, that exactly What I have done, but i dont want to make 10 usb key per site because of a few option. Is there a way to change the variable in the task sequence that as been set in a dynamic variables when I create my bootable media on the usb keys. I check all the files one the keys as been made and no file can be edit so
I can change and set other variable in the task sequence.. If there a way to do that it will be easy to maintain and choose what we need. - Mlavergne 8 years ago-
The files that are created all inside a wim file you would have to remount each wim file then find and edit the changes and update the wim file I don't know the locations that would have to be edited it would probably be easier to copy the task sequence and then edit each copy then make the usb one at a time - dcookBE 8 years ago