How can I run one single silent script, or how can I do forced silent check in?
I am looking to run a single script file to automate a KACE agent check in. My problem is I need the script to run silently so that the users are unaware it is being ran in the back ground. I have been told to use a vbs script to run the .bat silent, but why can't I run everything from the vbs script in the first place?? Here is my .bat script that currently does what I need it to aside from being silent. I also wonder is there any runkbot flags I could send that would reduce the amount of output?
cd "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\"
runkbot.exe 6 0
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Posted by:
9 years ago
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") "cmd /K CD C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace & runkbot.exe 6 0", 0, TRUE
This .vbs script will silently check in an agent
Technically, that will run managed installs. Check in is runkbot 4 0. - jknox 9 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
What are you trying to accomplish that you cant do with the built in "Force Check-In" script?
You can accomplish this using the regular actions under tasks by using the "launch a program" action.
I am trying to have off site laptops check in with the Kbox without requiring me to manually do something. The problem lies in the fact that when a laptop connects to a non managed network and then makes a VPN connection into our network the agent never checks in. The script I have wrote is launched by the connection software after it has connected to our network thus catching the laptops when they are only on for a moment. The "Force Check-in" requires that I either am aware that the laptop are online, or it requires that I know a time the laptop will be online. Considering these are off site computers I have no idea when either of those times occur :-/ So to answer your question I am trying to get KACE to do what it should already be doing :-( - Jhogue 9 years ago
Ahh... Well if it inventoried as soon as an AMP connection was established for computers that haven't inventoried then a lot of customers would have issues with their boxes around 8 AM every morning...
It should check in once the connected time equals your connection interval.
If it is never checking in are you sure the agent can reach the KBOX on 52230(assuming defaults)? - htomlinson 9 years ago-
Oh yeah our laptop agents check in just fine IF they are given a 2 hour window of VPN connection. Our heavy laptop users have no issues with check ins. Our problem comes from laptop users that will hop on for like 5 min to 1.45 hours and they miss the 2 hour interval for check in. I honestly have no idea how other people haven't had problems with getting their laptops to check in over VPN connections as we have talked to Dell directly about this problem and they have told us that they can see that being a problem, but they didn't have a fix. Maybe other companies the users bring their laptops into the office, or their connection interval is set to a much shorter time? Our users are typically only going to hop on the laptop while they are at their homes and usually only for like 10-20 minutes. That behavior over the last few months has forced us into requiring users to bring their devices back to the office for patching :-( - Jhogue 9 years ago
We just forwarded an external port to port 80/443/52230 on our k1000 to allow the devices to access the kbox from any network.
You might consider going that route. a major advantage would be the ability to update and re-config the vpn software if needed.
Another option would be to move your offsite laptops into a separate org with shorted intervals. - htomlinson 9 years ago
That isn't a bad idea actually, or even doing both to help open up check in windows. Thanks for the time you have spent bouncing some ideas with me :-) Sorry I didn't get back to the post I was quite busy over the weekend. - Jhogue 9 years ago - RichB 9 years ago