
How Can I Use Tokens to Create Computer-specific Files?

How Can I Use Tokens to Create Computer-specific Files?

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Posted by: bkelly 18 years ago
Red Belt
Tokens may be replaced within any specified file by creating a script job with the command:
REM ReplaceTokens [file with token] [file to be created]
For example...
REM ReplaceTokens .\temp\sysprep.inf .\temp\%COMPNAME%.txt
Deployment Server actually reads this REM statement and takes action by creating a new file from the specified source (that contains any of the below tokens). In the example above, a sysprep.inf file is generated with the computer name and any tokens within the script are appropriately replaced with relevant data...
%ASSETTAG% Asset tag from SMBIOS
%BWIPADDR% The IP address of the client computer connected to the Deployment Server.
%CALLINGJOBNAME% The name of the job that called this job or the name of this job if not called by another job
%COMPNAME% Actual computer name used by the OS
%CONTACT% Contact name defined in the Location properties
%DATE% Date string in the form of mm/dd/yyyy
%DEPT% Department description defined in the Location properties
%DOMAIN% MS Workgroup or domain name %DOMAINOU% Domain organization units. Example: MyCompany.com/MyParentOU/MyOU
%DSSERVER% The NetBios name of the computer where the Deployment Server is installed.
%EMAIL% Email from the Location properties
%ID% Unique Computer ID Generated by Deployment Server
%IPNAME% Full DNS name of the computer
%JOBNAME% The name of the current job.
%JOBUSER% The name of the user logged on to the Deployment console
%LDAPDOMAINOU% The LDAP format for AD domains. Example: dc=MyCompany, dc=com, OU=MyParentOU, OU=MyOU
%MAILSTOP% Mail stop from the Location properties
%MANUF% Computer manufacturer from SMBIOS
%NAME% Complete computer name as displayed in the console
%NETBIOSDOMAIN% The NetBios name for the Microsoft Domain
%NICyIPADDR% IP Address for NIC y (y = 1-8). Example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPADDR%I , second %NIC2IPADDR% and so forth
%NICyIPDNSx% DNS entry x for NIC y. Example: the second NIC fourth DNS entry would be %NIC2IPDNS4%
%NICyIPGATEWAY% Default gateway for NIC y (y = 1-8). Example: the first NIC
would be %NIC1IPGATEWAY%, second %NIC2IPGATEWAY% and so forth
%NICyIPHOST% IP HOst for NIC y (y = 1-8). Example: the first NIC would be
%NIC1IPHOST%; the second would be %NIC2IPHOST%.
%NICyIPNETMASK% Netmask for NIC y. Example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPNETMASK%, second %NIC2IPNETMASK% Â…
%NICyIPWINSx% WINS entry x for NIC y. Example: the third NIC first WINS entry would be %NIC3IPDNS1%
%NICyMACADDR% MAC for NIC y (y = 1-8). Example: the first NIC would be %NIC1MACADDR%, second%NIC2MACADDR% and so forth
%NODEFULL% Complete computer name
%NODENAME% First 8 characters of actual computer name
%NWCONTEXT% NetWare context name
%NWSERVER% NetWare preferred server
%NWTREE% NetWare preferred tree
%OS% Specific operating system (WIN98, WIN2K, WINXP)
%OSTYPE% Operating system type (WIN9x, WINNT, Linux)
%PHONE% Phone defined in the Location properties
%PROCDESC% Description of the processor
%PROCSPEED% Processor Speed
%PROCCOUNT% The number of processors installed (not the number of processor slots)
%PROD_LIC% Product License Key
%RAMTOTAL% Total Random Access Memory
%SERIALNUM% Serial number from SMBIOS
%SITE% Site description defined in the Location properties
%TIME% Time string in the form of hour:minutes
%USER_NAME% The Registered To user name that can be viewed on the System Properties page of Windows
%UUID% The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the computer, if supported by hardware
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