How to create or modify reports
I'm using KACE 1000 and am trying to figure out how to create and/or modify a report. I don't see any option to create a report. As for modifying, some reports can be duplicated and modified and others can't but there's no indication on how makes the difference. Does any one know how to create a report in KACE?
Answers (1)
Top Answer
You may use a user which has not full rights to reporting. If you use a user who has the rights, you can do this:
Create a new report:
Go to Reporting| Choose Action |New (SQL) or New (Wizard)
You cannot modify all reports since some of the reports are builtin. All self built reports can be modified.
You should be able to duplicate all. If you have an example, please provide screenshots to replicate this.
If your user has not the full rights, ask your KACE Admin to provide them to you if you need them really.