How to set a rule to close application before install on SCCM
I wanted to know how to close an application via SCCM before deploying a program. For example, I have to install an email back up client for Outlook. Before installing the program, I need to make sure that Outlook is closed. Is there a "dependency rule" or "detection rule" that I can set so that Outlook closes before the install of the program? Thank you in advance!
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Posted by:
8 years ago
If want to do this as an SCCM 'application' then have a look at PS Deploy -
It has gubbins to warns users it needs it knobble a process etc, better than a task sequence as its more self contained and flexible.
To answer question directly, there is no SCCM out of the box method detect running process or to kill a process - you need to action/script that yourself.
Posted by:
8 years ago
I use the taskkill command line utility from inside my SCCM installation scripts, especially when deploying a newer version of an existing program. for the syntax, run a command prompt and type taskkill /?. But in general, taskkill /im and the name of the program will kill any running instances of said application.