How to set up a Task Chain to Thaw and then subsequently Freeze Deep Freeze machines after patching?
After UserKon I was interested in setting up Task Chains to handle the thawing and freezing of our Deep Freeze machines for their nightly patching. Unfortunately, it does not currently seem to be consistent in it's ability to re-freeze the machines. I have the Task Chain set up to run the Thaw script, followed by a single pass patch Deploy, then the Freeze script right after. On checking the Deep Freeze console over the last week in my testing I have found the lab I set it to run on to be thawed multiple mornings when I come in, but not every morning. The Task Chain itself shows to have failed out on the Thaw script last night, but the scripting logs on the agents show success, and the machines were definitely thawed this morning, so I'm a little confused. Ultimately I could just set Deep Freeze to handle the maintenance window through it's console, but I wanted KACE to be the one stop shop and handle it all through one console. Plus the idea of the task chains handling it all autonomously just sounded neat.