How to uninstall package using SCCM?
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The older version of Google Earth Pro was installed in the clients by deploying packages. Now I want to upgrade the new version of Google Earth Pro.exe.
After testing, I found that I can not deploy the new version unless I uninstall the older version of google earth pro.
How should I uninstall software for several clients through SCCM, or is there a better way doing this?
I tried running the command " GoogleEarthProSetup.exe/uninstall " while creating package, but it did not work.
The failing error is Failed (bad enviroment)
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Answers (4)
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Posted by:
6 years ago
GE and GEP are provided in MSI form for enterprise use (albeit that it's just a wrapper for Google's installer!) so you should be using that. It will upgrade existing installations.
Anyway...dealing with the mess you've already created...first of all, why are you creating a package and not an application?
Lastly, seconded about the duplicate post. Please remove it.
Posted by:
6 years ago
Sorry about that, it's my first time using this. How should I delete the duplicate post if it is hidden from public view and now delete option?
Back to the question, how should I get the MSI form installer in GEP? Using MSI Wrapper?
Is creating application better than package?
Thank you so much for the help
Posted by:
6 years ago
how should I get the MSI form installer in GEP? Using MSI Wrapper?
If only there was somewhere where one could seek out answers to questions like that, eh?
Is creating application better than package?I guess that you have zero training in using SCCM? As an alternative to training, it would again be sooooooooooo helpful if there was *some* way of finding the answers to questions like this, wouldn't it?