
How to use appdeploytoolkit?

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I have to use App Deploy Toolkit for the creation of package (application packaging) and I have to use powershell scripting. I am very new to this. I don't know from where to start and how to start. If someone can please tell me the steps to use this app deploy toolkit, it would be a great help to me!
Thanks in advance.

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  • i want to ask that where the "write-log" function writes the log- in the "C:\windows\logs\software\<name of log file>" path or in some other path? - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt
Forget any toolkit for now, even the free, abandonware ones (because your employer is too cheap to spend even a trifling sum on proper tools!). For anything beyond basic packages, you will be climbing a mountain unless you know the fundamentals of Windows Installer. Search my posts for the text 'definitive'. You should find links to 2 excellent publications on WI. Read these first!!

  • I know bits of WI but would definitely like to know more and more since i am just a fresher. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I am definitely on it! :) - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
Posted by: siocnarf 8 years ago
White Belt

I believe PSADK is really great. How using it? I may say you how I am using it.

First load the psadk as a librairy in your Posh
   . $moduleAppDeployToolkitMain 

Then you will be in buisness. You will need to create some variables before loading PSADT.

Great tool.

  • hey. thanks. could u please solve one more problem? Where the "write-log" function writes the log- in the "C:\windows\logs\software\<name of="" log="" file="">" path or in some other path? - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
Posted by: rileyz 8 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

First, good work on not spamming your question with lots of tags!

In regards to the PS App Deploy Toolkit, read up on the documentation. I have not used it myself but I know for the a fact the documentation is very good with examples. Of course this is designed to be used with SCCM in mind.


Good luck!

  • Thanks! it helped a lot to get the clarity! - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
  • Also, if i want to do some customizations like active setup, add/remove registry, copy files, create/delete shortcuts etc, I have to do that in deploy-application.ps1 itself? - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago

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