How to use appdeploytoolkit?
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I have to use App Deploy Toolkit for the creation of package (application packaging) and I have to use powershell scripting. I am very new to this. I don't know from where to start and how to start. If someone can please tell me the steps to use this app deploy toolkit, it would be a great help to me!
Thanks in advance.
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i want to ask that where the "write-log" function writes the log- in the "C:\windows\logs\software\<name of log file>" path or in some other path? - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
Answers (3)
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Posted by:
8 years ago
Forget any toolkit for now, even the free, abandonware ones (because your employer is too cheap to spend even a trifling sum on proper tools!). For anything beyond basic packages, you will be climbing a mountain unless you know the fundamentals of Windows Installer. Search my posts for the text 'definitive'. You should find links to 2 excellent publications on WI. Read these first!!
I know bits of WI but would definitely like to know more and more since i am just a fresher. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I am definitely on it! :) - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
I believe PSADK is really great. How using it? I may say you how I am using it.
First load the psadk as a librairy in your Posh
. $moduleAppDeployToolkitMain
Then you will be in buisness. You will need to create some variables before loading PSADT.
Great tool.
hey. thanks. could u please solve one more problem? Where the "write-log" function writes the log- in the "C:\windows\logs\software\<name of="" log="" file="">" path or in some other path? - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
Top Answer
First, good work on not spamming your question with lots of tags!
In regards to the PS App Deploy Toolkit, read up on the documentation. I have not used it myself but I know for the a fact the documentation is very good with examples. Of course this is designed to be used with SCCM in mind.
Good luck!
Thanks! it helped a lot to get the clarity! - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago
Also, if i want to do some customizations like active setup, add/remove registry, copy files, create/delete shortcuts etc, I have to do that in deploy-application.ps1 itself? - Ishita Tripathi 8 years ago