
How to prevent application from automatically launching after installation?

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I have vendor msi. At the end of installaction i have "launch the program box" is checked, if i click on finish button automatacilly "Application is launching" .Please help me how to supress this..

Note: I Tried as (1)By appling the property "LAUNCHPROGRAM=0"

                         2)I Checked in Diolog box in MSI

                          3) I Checked in "Custom action Table"

But there is no use.Please help me out of this.............

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • It might help to mention the name & version of the application.

    During the install, are you asked if you wish to run the program upon completion with a checkbox or something similar before you click on the FINISH button? If so, you should be able to generate a transform to capture that, or do the messy thing and review the UI screen to figure out what's getting set. - vjaneczko 11 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 11 years ago
Red Belt

Check the InstallExecuteSequence and InstallUISequence tables, find the customaction that is launching the application (should be somewhere at the end if sorted by sequence), and see if it has a condition on it (it should if you're able to tick a checkbox during the non-silent install)

Set the corresponding property to a value to make this condition false.

You should also be able to find the property that gets set by ticking the "don't launch" checkbox in the Control table of the MSI (which will probably be the same one as the condition on the CustomAction)

  • Yes, there should be a value in the property table which will then relate to the Control table. There will be on that you can set to default off, then save the MSI. - LBarclay 11 years ago
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