
I need help with "IF time is" script or batch

Hi my name is Nick and I'm trying to get a script or a batch file to work.
The script / batch must be some thing like to run a scpecific command only if today is the first of the monh. If not just go to end.
But I'm having hard time getting this to work. the problem is I can not define command which will check if current time is such and scuch and proceed to the C:\mybatch.bat
I'm just trying to have another batchfile to be ran only once a mnoth.

Can anyone please help me out there.
It would be greatly apprciated.



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Answers (5)

Posted by: spartacus 18 years ago
Black Belt
I don't know if this helps in your situation, but you could use the Scheduled Tasks applet in Control Panel or the AT command from a command prompt to do this sort of thing.

Alternatively, if you don't mind using freeware executables, take a look at the ISDAY utility.


Posted by: nbasic26 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Spartacus...

So far if I try to use a sceduled task and have a batch file to copy scheduled task to other machines I will loose the LOg On As credentials after the task has beeen copied over.
The othe roption using the AT command requires another service to be installed and runn all the time for AT commeand to be able to operate.
I think my only solution would be a VBS script, but I'm not sure how excatly to script it.

Any help would be greatfull.
Posted by: spartacus 18 years ago
Black Belt
Ok, how about this

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strrun = "cmd.exe /c ""C:\MYBATCH.BAT"""
datetime = formatdatetime(now(),1)
dateinmonth = split(datetime)
if cint(dateinmonth(0)) = 1 then
msgbox "It is the first day of the month, running batch file ..."
WshShell.Run strrun
end if

Note, this works for UK locale date and time, so you may need to alter to your own local


Posted by: nbasic26 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks again Spartacus.

The only problem I have right now is with the line 5 "if cint" command line. When I attemp to run the script it pops the following error message box.
Error: Type mismatch 'cint'
Code: 800A000D

I'm not a script pro so I hope you will excuse my questions regrding those VBS comands.

Posted by: Robo Scripter 18 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Try this;

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strrun = "cmd.exe /c ""C:\MYBATCH.BAT"""
datetime = FormatDateTime(now(),2)
dateinmonth = Split(datetime, "/")
If dateinmonth(1) = 1 Then
MsgBox "It is the first day of the month, running batch file ..."
WshShell.Run strrun
msgbox "It is the "& dateinmonth(1) & " day of the month, No batch file today ..."
end If
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