I need to run a script to add SNMP features on 2008 r2 servers.
I have tried to run a script using DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:SNMP but it needs elavated rates. does anyone know how I can get this to run with KACE?
Answers (2)
The Run As section allows you to specify the account to use when deploying - Local System, the currently logged in user or a specified user. Have you run into issues despite what is set here?
I've also had different luck with scripts by switching between Online KScript and Offline KScript.
If it's still having problems, this may be a possible solution (or at least get you on the right track):
Hope that helps!
Thanks jverbosk, i did try using the run as section. It will not run with elevated rights. The vbs work but it still requires user interaction. I need to run the script on 100+ severs and i dont want to connect to all of them. - awilliams@roll.com 12 years ago