
IE6 Customization

I'm attempting to incorporate an IE customization into a package and need it to apply to all users rather than the current user only.

Specifically, the change will deselect the advanced option in IE labeled ' REUSE WINDOWS FOR LAUNCHING SHORTCUTS'.

I've tried exporting the applicable reg keys to HKLM and HKDefault_User with no success. Has anyone else done anything similar?


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Answers (1)

Posted by: matrixtushar 16 years ago
Purple Belt

If i have understood you correctly, then here is what i assume:

1. You have the registry keys that need to be created for each user logging into the computer.
2. Since these keys are by default HKCU, you need to make them available for all the users but cannot do that because you cannot log into all the users' account to do this task.

So dear, here is the solution.

1. Create a script that creates the required registry keys in the HKCU section.
2. Create the following registry key on the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\AnyName
Create the keys
IsInstalled 1
StubPath WScript "<Path>\ScriptToCreateReg.vbs"
Version 1,0,0,0
3. Ask the user to log off and log in again.
4. Active Setup keys will run as the user logs in again, launching the script that creates the registry.
5. Script executes, keys created, customization complete.

Why your method did not work
Well, i guess you would now be asking "what was wrong with my method???"

Here is the answer.

Method1 - Where you were trying to create the keys in .DEFAULT

If you create the keys in .DEFAULT, they are applicable for users whose account is not created on the computer and will be logging in for the first time. Also, even if you save the settings in the .DEFAULT section, you need a program (EXE or a VBS) to copy the contents from .DEFAULT to HKCU for each user logging in.

Method2 - Where you created entries in HKLM

If entries are present in HKLM and similar entries are present in HKCU, then HKCU will be taken into account. Also, HKLM entries are required mostly when a new account is created or if the application reads those entries from HKLM. If the application is written to read from HKCU, keeping entries in HKLM wont help.

I hope this information was relevant and good enough to complete your task. However, if you feel that i could not properly understand your problem or maybe you need any further assistance in solving this issue, please do not hesistate to get in touch or reply to this thread.

With Best Regards,
Tushar Singh
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