If Owner is Submitter and Owner Closes ticket don't send an email notification. Does anyone have a rule or solution for this?
We have opened our ticket system so our end users can submit tickets. We also have reoccurring department tickets: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. If a ticket submitter is the same as the owner, and the same owner closes the ticket, the owner doesn't need an email that the ticket he just closed is closed. It's redundant. Anyone have a rule if submitter is owner and owner closes ticket send no email notification when closed. I had this fixed before but had to make changes to the built in email notifications when we opened it up to our users.
K1000 SMA Version: 10.1.99
Email on Events Configuration
Owner - boxes checked
Owner Change
Approval Change
New Ticket Via Portal
Answers (1)
Top Answer
The problem you have is that you are relying on the main email function to send your emails and as such there is no way to be specific like this.
the only way we have found to work around this type of situation is to turn off the default email functionality and put in place a ticket rule that emails the person you want, when you want it.
So in your case, turn off the email to the submitter and create a ticket rule that fires when
the ticket status is set to closed and
the owner ID is not equal to Submitter ID
that way your submitter/owner does not get an email.