
Installation commands for Java 8 update 25

I am planning to push an installaion of Java 8 update 25 but I am not sure which installation commands to use. Any tips?


Edit: I am using K1000.

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  • I found the MSI here : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\jre1.8.0_25 after I ran jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe then I was abled to modify it with installshield - osiuqet 10 years ago

Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: ohoque 9 years ago
White Belt
Installation switch that I used for Java 8.25 on SCCM 2012:

msiexec /i jre1.8.0_25.msi JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 RebootYesNo=No WEB_JAVA=1 /q

Details can be found here:


Posted by: bwilkerson 10 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
Sorry to put my comment in the answer section but the formatting was all messed up and it lost my paragraphs

I am having a weird issue where I cannot deploy 32bit java this way.  I even tried extracting the MSI and using that.   I even tried running it manually from an admin elevated command prompt and it will not install.  Actually sometimes I can see it install but eventually it just magically disappears from Programs list in Control Panel.   If I double click the file and install it by hand it works without issue.

I have downloaded the file jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe from several locations aside from www.java.com and cannot deploy it through KACE.  I have even tried adding a log file to the install and the log file gets created but it is blank.

On top of all that I deleted the Java 8 update 25 entry from the software inventory on KACE and rebooted it.  I do not think it is a problem with the KACE because I can deploy jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe which is the 64bit version using the same method without issue.

Just curious if anyone else is running into this as it looks to be a problem with the Java install file.

For reference here is the full installation commands I am running

jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe WEB_JAVA=1 EULA=0 INSTALL_SILENT=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0 SPONSORS=0

jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe WEB_JAVA=1 EULA=0 INSTALL_SILENT=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0 SPONSORS=0

  • I'm having a similar issue when trying to push out the 32 bit version of Java 8 through KACE 1000.

    Test 1 - I pushed out the 32 bit version through Kace without any switches to try to complete the installation on the client I pushed it to and I got a Error Code: 3.

    Test 2 - I pushed out the 64 bit version though Kace without any switches to try to complete the installation on the client I pushed it to and I was able to install it successfully.

    Test 3 - I pushed the 32 bit version as a silent install through Kace and it never installed.

    Test 4 - I pushed the 64 bit version as a silent install through kace, the EXACT SAME WAY, and it installed successfully.

    I'm not a smart guy but everything so far is pointing to a problem with the 32 Bit version of Java 8. - jdiaz@renfrewcenter.com 9 years ago
Posted by: nheyne 10 years ago
Red Belt
Here is what we're using:

jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe WEB_JAVA=1 EULA=0 INSTALL_SILENT=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0 SPONSORS=0

  • Do you use K1000, deployment center or any other MS software? - MesaMe 10 years ago
    • You can incorporate the above switches into any of those deployment solutions. Your question was specifically regarding the installation commands. Which solution are you planning to use to deploy? - nheyne 10 years ago
  • I problaby should have specified that in my first post and it seems like I cant edit it. I am currently testing this With Dell K1000. - MesaMe 10 years ago
Posted by: nheyne 10 years ago
Red Belt
Upload your install file and enter the switches in the "Additional Parameters" section.

  • I am having a weird issue where I cannot deploy 32bit java this way. I even tried extracting the MSI and using that. I even tried running it manually from an admin elevated command prompt and it will not install. Actually sometimes I can see it install but eventually it just magically disappears from Programs list in Control Panel. If I double click the file and install it by hand it works without issue.

    I have downloaded the file jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe from several locations aside from www.java.com and cannot deploy it through KACE.

    On top of all that I deleted the Java 8 update 25 entry from the software inventory on KACE and rebooted it. I do not think it is a problem with the KACE because I can deploy jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe which is the 64bit version using the same method without issue.

    Just curious if anyone else is running into this as it looks to be a problem with the Java install file.

    For reference here is the full installation commands I am running

    jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe WEB_JAVA=1 EULA=0 INSTALL_SILENT=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0 SPONSORS=0

    jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe WEB_JAVA=1 EULA=0 INSTALL_SILENT=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0 SPONSORS=0 - bwilkerson 10 years ago
    • What happens if you try running jre-8u25-windows-i586.exe from an elevated command prompt without any switches? - nheyne 10 years ago
      • oddly enough it installs and it seems to be staying installed.. I did not get any prompts to click next or anything either.

        Another odd thing is that if I do go download the file from java.com sometmes the file wants to download as jre-8u25-windows-i586.COM and not an exe file. I have tried this on several computers and the symptoms are the same. I can get it to be an exe if I use chrome as my browser though.. It is all very odd. - bwilkerson 10 years ago
    • Yeah that has happened to be too, if you rename it as .exe it will work just fine. Seems like the issue is the switches for sure then, maybe manually type the whole line instead of copy/paste? I really don't know what to suggest at this point. - nheyne 10 years ago
      • I think I am just going to ride out this version and wait for the next update. We are still using Java 7 at the moment as we have a system heavily dependent on Java and it is very moody about upgrades. I have Java 7 update 71 deploying now and was just trying to devise a way to deploy Java 8 and remove all instances of Java 7 first. My method works with the 64bit version but we need the 32bit version primarily - bwilkerson 10 years ago
      • Just an added note if I remove the install switches from the file uploaded to KACE it does not install at all either. So either it is the java install file or something is going on with my KBOX that it does not like that file. - bwilkerson 10 years ago
    • I'm having the exact same issue. I'm installing via a bat-script and I suspect that it actually has something to do with how the KLaunch/Kagent works.
      If I log on as an admin and start an elevated prompt, then I can install it, no problem.

      But when installing with Kace, EXACTLY the same script/files, it doesn't work...
      (It's installed for a few seconds, and then poof, if it runs at all.)

      Here's the kick, once I installed it locally an uninstalled it then Kace could install it... :-)

      I'm currently still testing, but I think I'll be opening a support case about this... - adam_nerell 10 years ago
      • I'm seeing this also, did you open a case about it? - cottonakin 10 years ago
      • UPDATE:
        I did open a case, but waiting for for a callback from the support I concluded that the issue was not with the Kace agent, but rather with Java itself. It wont install under the system context so the solution is running the install as a script running it under a local admin account.
        He did provide me with two links, I haven't lookade at them though:
        Install instructions (probably wont work)

        Troubleshoot system context install:

        Best regards
        Adam - adam_nerell 10 years ago
      • After wrestling with JRE 8u25, 32- and 64-bit, for almost two weeks, I think I finally got both working on 64-bit Windows. I was able to use both .EXE installers with command line parameters, and I was able to install under the system context, not under a local admin account.

        Note that JRE 8u25 installs by default into a version-specific directory, unlike Java 7 with its "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre7" generic directory. You can override this with the INSTALLDIR command line parameter. (The documentation incorrectly calls this INSTALL_DIR, but testing showed it is not, it is INSTALLDIR instead. What good is documentation if it's wrong and you have to find the correct answer using trial and error?) Remember that, with the 32-bit KACE Agent, you have to use hard-coded directory paths like "C:\Program Files\Java\jre8" to see the 64-bit directory; %ProgramFiles% will be interpreted in a 32-bit context. - snissen0 10 years ago
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