
Installation using PsExec


I am trying to install a package (.MSI) on a remote machine using PsExec (sysinternals tool). It gives an error during installation saying "somefile.txt" is missing whereas it gets installed correctly on a local machine.

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Answers (7)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 14 years ago
Red Belt
Does the account you use with PsExec have full access to the (network) location where the MSI is located?
Posted by: turbokitty 14 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
I jerked around with PSExec MSI installs for a couple of days awhile back and couldn't get it to work reliably. There are a myriad of undocumented switches and no one can seem to agree on one that works well.
If anyone has a method that works, please share.
Posted by: milindsm 14 years ago
Blue Belt
I am running with the system account
Posted by: milindsm 14 years ago
Blue Belt
Hey.. I could do it...!!! There was some sequencing problem. But still wondering how come it worked on a local machine...!!!
Posted by: TAiNiUM 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Unfortunately I have ran into the issue when you try to use psexecute to run a command and copy the file at the same time. I usually dump the msi file to a temp folder then use the psexec command to run it.

For example:

psexec \\computername msiexec /switches "path to msi"
Posted by: OpK 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I realize this is a little late on this post but if the msi works locally then create a batch file and call it as such:

psexec -s -d -i 0 -c -f \\%pc% adob.bat

or if you don't want the windows to show:(keeps the cows calm)

psexec \\%pc% -s -d -c -f adob.bat

so in adob.bat I have:

@echo off
Echo Adobe Reader 9 Installing ... please wait.
c:\AdbeRdr910_en_US_Std.exe /sAll /rs /l /msi"/qb-! /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YES SUPPRESS_APP_LAUNCH=YES"
regdelete "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]" "Adobe Reader Speed Launcher"
REM end.

but just use whatever syntax worked on the local machine for you.

Remove the -d in both if you like to see the exit with error 0 meaning no errors.

-Mike [8D]

I have my own utility that automatically authenticates to the IPC$ and then calls the batch file, so you need to make sure you auth to the machine before calling it or include the user and pass on psexec. I'll post up my programs later if it is allowed.
Posted by: Mencaliss 14 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
The command I usually use is the following:

psexec \\[computer name] -u [domain]\[user] -p [password] cmd /k "[command to execute]"

I never had any problems with it for a while now :)
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