
Installing Acrobat Reader 11 or Reader DC for MAC OS via K1000

We are trying to setup the K1000 to deploy MAC software for the first time.  We are now successful in doing so.  We are having issues with getting Acrobat Reader 11 or Reader DC to deploy.  We have tried the tools provided by Adobe to customize the install for MAC.  We cannot even get past the first step as we get "Invalid Package" messages with DC and for version 11 it is forcing us to use a Serial key.  There is no key for Reader.

Has anyone else been successful with this?  How did you get Acrobat Reader 11 (or Reader DC) to install?

This has been a difficult package.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: taylor-madeak 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
Here is the shell script that I wrote to deal with this issue in both K2000 imaging and K1000 on-demand scripts.  It will automatically grab the latest version of Adobe Reader from the internet, verify its signature, install it, and spit out a log file in /var/logs:

touch /var/log/adobe_reader_install.log
exec 1>/var/log/adobe_reader_install.log 2>&1

getNewestDir () {
list=( "${tarray[@]/$delete}" )
array=( $(for each in ${list[@]}; do echo $each; done | sort -rn ) )
echo ${array[0]}

getInstaller () {
for ST in $installers ; do
if [[ $ST =~ (^AcroRdrDC_+) ]] ; then
echo $ST

dirList=$(/usr/bin/curl -l $ftpURL)
acrDir=$(getNewestDir ${dirList[@]})
pkgList=$(/usr/bin/curl -l "$ftpURL$acrDir/")
acrInst=$(getInstaller $pkgList)


/usr/bin/curl --output "$AcrRdr_dmg" "$fileURL"

TMPMOUNT=$(/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/acroRead.XXXX)

hdiutil attach "$AcrRdr_dmg" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen

pkg_path="$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*AcroRdr*\.pkg -o -iname \*AcroRdr*\.mpkg \))"

if [[ ${pkg_path} != "" ]]
signature_check=$(/usr/sbin/pkgutil --check-signature "$pkg_path" | awk /'Developer ID Installer/{ print $5 }')
if [[ ${signature_check} = "Adobe" ]]
/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "${pkg_path}" -target "/"

/usr/bin/hdiutil detach "$TMPMOUNT"
/bin/rm -rf "$TMPMOUNT"
/bin/rm -rf "$AcrRdr_dmg"

exit 0

  • Do you think this method might work with Acrobat 2017 using a key? I can't find any references on IT Ninja about Acrobat 2017 or other DC version installs. - rwt 4 years ago
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