
Installing Mcafee Framepkg.exe Silently

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I am trying to install the Framepkg.exe via Marimba with the commandline below but its not installing

Framepkg.exe /install=agent

Please suggest to install the the Mcafee Agent silently.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: jcarri06 15 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
The command is a simple as the one you put here:

Framepkg.exe /install=agent /s

Does it work for you manually when not using Marimba? If so, then I go back to a previous post I wrote about trying to see what's wrong with your Marimba deployments.

Good luck,
Posted by: Star 15 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
oops i forgot to put the /s....never mind...it works fine manually

Well all I wanted to know if that was the right command or we can try something extra like:

start Framepkg.exe /install=agent /s

so that the cmd.exe would know what needs to be done.
Posted by: Puneetha 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I need to install FramePkg.exe using vbscript. If I run the script FramePkg.exe should get installed silently. Could you please guide me to write the script?
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