
Installing MSI and MSP same time


I'm attempting to install software (.msi) and patch file (.msp) with same command-line as follows:

msiexec /i package.msi /update update.msi /quiet /norestart /l*v c:\temp\log.log

Even I'm located in same directory with these files, I get error that one of these packages can't be found. If I put full path ahead of .msi and .msp files, then it works. This causes problems, because I'm going to deploy this with SMS and Package folder name on \system32\ccm\cache might change if settings are updated for program.

I know that I could create two separate programs for msi and msp but I want to make installation happen with one command line.

How should I modify my command-line to make it work? I can't see why it won't work if both files are located in same directory where command is executed.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: slay_u 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Alternatively you can do an admin install and apply the patch over it and then install the updated msi

Posted by: gerardonstenk 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

The patch need a full path, since this can change in your case, use a command-file;

set THISDIR=%~dp0
msiexec.exe /i "MyMSI.msi" PATCH="%THISDIR%MyPatch.msp" /qb!

Use the command-file as the program to run in Sccm2007.



Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Posted by: Nirmal1208 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
MSIEXEC /i <MSI-Name>.msi PATCH=<MSP-Name>.msp doesn't work with SCCM. It gives error 1635 which is patch package could not be opened.
Executing the command manully with the path works fine.
Ran out of options.. is it possible at all ?

Posted by: Nirmal1208 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks.. i ended up doing this but wondering why
MSIEXEC /i <MSI-Name>.msi PATCH=<MSP-Name>.msp wouldn't work in SCCM.
any one faced this problem or just me ?
Posted by: tso149 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Using the update switch or Patch property you should eventually find won't work at all with SCCM. That's what I found with SCCM 2007.

Firstly your command line syntax is not complete. You must include the full path to the MSP with either the switch or the property and you will find reference to this in the Windows Installer SDK.

When you do get the syntax right you should still be returned a error code '1651 - Windows Installer does not permit the patching of managed advertised products. At least one feature of the product must be installed before applying the patch.'

Withstanding this is the use of Administrative installations, as suggested previously above. Otherwise, dare I suggest patches are not the way forward and updates should be minor or major upgrades, incrementing the versions numbers and reinstalling the products in the process?
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