
InstallShield Answer File and SCCM

I've created a package for an InstallShield .exe with an answer file. It works great when I manually run it but when I push the package out from SCCM the .log file returns an error code 5. However, if I hard code the path to the distribution point it'll work (i.e. setup.exe /s /f1<networkpath>\setup.iss). This is fine as long as it never gets moved or I only ever use one distribution point.

I've tried the following to try to get it to work.
setup.exe /s /sms /f1setup.iss
setup.exe /s /sms /f1%cd%\setup.iss
setup.exe /s /sms /f1%~dp0setup.iss
setup.exe /s /sms /f1"%~dp0setup.iss"
setup.exe /s /sms /f1%SMSDP%setup.iss

I've also tried all those with a - instead of a / in front of the arguments.

Any ideas?

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Answers (13)

Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt
You could set it to download and run, rather than running from the DP - I think I've seen that work in the past for a similar problem.

Hope it helps,


  • Hi everyone,

    I'm using SCCM 2012 and I'm trying to install BWise 4.1 using this command:
    %~dp0setup.exe /s /a /s /SMS /f1"%~dp0setup.iss" /f2"%~dp0setup.log"
    Locally works like a charm but on SCCM it just keeps failing, why ?

    Notice that I tested using the SCCM files that were downloaded to the cache folder to run a Local installation and it works too, So there's no problem at all with the file distribution.

    What could be the problem deploying with SCCM ? Is the command line to execute it because I'm using /SMS?

    I already tried to repackage this application but it failed due to some functionality issues despite was installing perfectly locally and with SCCM. So I have no choice here than to use this Setup.exe with the switches.

    Please let me know I will appreciate it.
    Regards. - derspinne 11 years ago
  • derspinne - You'd be better off creating a new question rather than posting a question on the end of a thread that hasn't had any activity since last year.

    That way it will appear in the Q&A section and people are more likely to read/reply to your post. - dunnpy 11 years ago
Posted by: mikehorton 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Oops, sorry forgot that in my original post. It is set to download and run locally but the only way I've gotten it to find the setup.iss file is to hardcode the path back to the DP.
Posted by: mindless 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Try to add: /f2”c:\temp\my-log-file.iss”
The installer will try to create a log file on your SCCM share, and it don't have permission to do that.
Posted by: mikehorton 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
The log file is getting created locally so that's not the problem.
Posted by: bitofcopy 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
i use a command file in sccm. the command file contains the following: setup.exe /s -f1"setup.iss" -f2"%SYSTEMROOT%\TEMP\setup.log"

start the command file with the following
echo off

pushd %0\..\
Posted by: mikehorton 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
bitofcopy, you mean you created a program (under Software Distribution->Packages) that points to a command file with the install commands in it or you did it as part of a task sequence?

I originally ran into the problem last summer but at the time the error message I was getting was something along the lines of the package not matching what was on the distro point so I just had it installing via a task sequence command line pointing right at the dp. I also used the same command line in a TS that installs multiple programs but it's not an ideal solution as there's no easy way of verifying that it was installed correctly. I discovered last week that the problem was because there was a hidden file in my original install (http://iboyd.net/index.php/2009/01/11/sccm-content-downloaded-to-the-client-does-not-match-the-content-specified-in-the-content-source/) which is why I'm now revisiting this.
Posted by: bitofcopy 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
I have a package for the application created under Software Distribution->Packages yes then i create a program (ex. Run) and point the command line to the command file i created in the source files location. distribute the package to the distribution points. I did not realize you are using Task Sequence. It looks like the programs i have used for Task Sequence the command line file called is a *.bat not *.cmd The source file still resides in the source location of the package file source. I have multiple secondary servers with dp's. I distribute my packages via SCCM to the dp's.
Posted by: mikehorton 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I was doing it in a TS last summer because of my initial error (hidden file). I think I tried what you've done and it didn't work at the time but now that I've got the hidden file causing the content to not match fixed I'll give it another go.

Posted by: jwedepohl 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
You shouldn't have to specify f1 if the the file is in the same directory as setup.exe and it's called setup.iss

If it doesn't meet the above I was able to get this working using the below command from and SCCM program.

setup.exe /s /sms /f1.\setup.iss
Posted by: andys0123 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
So that it works from any distribution point, the %~dp0 is the way to go.

However, this does not work from the SCCM Program command line. You will have to create a .cmd file to run your command - setup.exe /s /sms /f1%~dp0setup.iss - and call the .cmd file from the SCCM program.
Posted by: mikehorton 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Oops. Forgot to reply back here with what finally worked for me. I ended up with a .cmd file that contained the following.... setup.exe -s -sms -f2c:\setup.log. If I tried to use /f1 it would complain about not being able to find the file and .iss files are automatically called from the parent directory if you use -s anyways.

Thanks for the help everyone.
Posted by: kingskawn 12 years ago
Senior Purple Belt

If you are still looking for a solution without batch file I use this with an iss file renamed to setup.iss. The -f1 isn't needed as it will look automatically for a setup.iss:

setup -s -SMS -f2C:\Windows\Temp\file.log

Posted by: Sukhdeep420 1 year ago
White Belt

Hi All, 

Anyone solve this issue? I am using .cmd file with sccm and it is keep failing with error code on -3. If i run same package from ccmcache it works fine only issue is happening while deploying from sccm. I am using setup.exe /s /a /SMS /z /f1"%~dp0setup.iss" /f2"%~dp0install.log"

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