Installshield Wizard Silent Install - Not recording?
Wondering if any has come a cross this kind of issue.
Installshield script driven (ISSETUPDRIVEN) with a MSI installer.
It dosent seem to record, tried -r /r with and without the -f1 /f1 pram. I also tried full debugging mode to capture the MSI logs so I could just pump the Properies into the MSI via MST, but it doesnt supply all the values I need to create the MST (installer needs SQL paths, passwords, etc).
Really quite stange, I was wondering if any one has come across a Installshield installer which just dosent record, is it something the vendors sometimes do?
Also /S /v/qn does diddle squat, not silent at all!
But I did notice it does read the setup.ini file when you run the setup.
Thoughts, ideas?
Setting logging (voicewarmup) will show you what the exe is passing to the MSI from the log in %temp%. Transform the MSI with those settings and test. - dunnpy 11 years ago