
K1000 Backup Options

We have offices in time zones around the world and round the clock access to our service desk is important. I find it increasingly difficult to schedule the nightly backup (takes about two hours) so that it does not impact service desk access.  How do others servicing multiple time zones deal with the web server shutdown during nightly backups?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • That does indeed sound like an issue and I don't have an answer but I am curious what options you have considered? Also, how are you getting the backups off the Kbox? We use a Unix script to ftp in and drop them on a raid-ed box that is also a member of our cloud backup program. - Jbr32 10 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: mikesharp1 10 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

Here is what I do using a backup.scr and a batch file.

Create a text file and put this it in.

open IP ADDRESS of your kace 1000
type binary
mget kbox_*

save the file as .scr then a batch file like below.

@echo off
set scrptloc=\\your directory
set bkuploc=\\your directory

if "%1%"=="" goto usage

cd /D %1

for /F "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims=./- " %%p in (`date /t`) do mkdir %%r%%q%%p
for /F "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims=./- " %%p in (`date /t`) do cd %%r%%q%%p
echo backing up to %bkuploc%
"%systemroot%\system32\ftp.exe" -s:"%scrptloc%\backup.scr"

goto end

echo usage:
echo    %bkuploc%

cd "%scrptloc%"
@echo on

Posted by: jknox 10 years ago
Red Belt
It shouldn't take 2 hours.  Look into the history retention settings and reduce what history you save.  That should help.

If you are still having a backup that takes more than 45 minutes afterwards, contact KACE support.

Other options exist outside of the standard appliance backup, but at this point it would be something that KACE Professional Services would have to configure.  I'd suggest voting on this and other ideas at the Uservoice site:  https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/1873141-hot-backup-solution

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