
K1000 Managed Uninstall

I am trying to do a pretty standard uninstall in Managed Installs using the uninstall string that Kace sees for the application on a Windows 7 PC.  If doesn't appear to be working so I am not sure if it is the UAC stopping it or something else.  UAC is at default value.  I tried manually running the command on the PC and it works fine but it will prompt me to allow the action.  Any suggestions ?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I have tried the scripted and the Policy Configuration Wizard but same result - clasha 11 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: jegolf 11 years ago
Red Belt

You will want to add /qn to the un-install string for a silent/suppressed uninstall (if you haven't)...

For example here's a shot of my setup for a Java uninstall...

Posted by: nshah 11 years ago
Red Belt

Nice jegolf...

clasha- it sound silly but you may want to double check you have the right OS's selected for supporting the uninstallation. 

Posted by: nshah 11 years ago
Red Belt

if you are seeing a msiexec.exe /i {bunch of information} you are better off using the scripting policy wizard for uninstallers 


Scripting > Configureation policy

Uninstall Wizard

I find it much easier if the KBOX returned an msiexec string for uninstallations. 

If you are using Managed Installations, can you include a screenshot so we can see what you are trying to do?


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