K1000 Task throughput best practices
What should the task throughput setting be set to on a K1000? How does one determine the best number to set for this option? I'm just curious. My K1000 vAppliance is currently set to "1" and I was wondering if there was a more effective setting that this. What metrics should I be looking at to detemine how to best tweak this?
Answers (2)
Normally I wouldn't bump someone up to "2" unless they have over 1200 machines they are going to manage or the load average number is high (green number above the task through put).
Everyone is going to be different in their setup as the needs are different. Some use the KBOX agressively while others are not. The goal is to find the best setting that allows you to.
1. effectively get your tasks done in a timely manner
2. not overload the kbox with to many tasks before it can clear out the ones already in the queue
3. overload the network bandwidth
The KBOX has means to balance itself out but any help that those setting can do would make your usage of the KBOX more effective.