K1000 - Update manager field
Does anyone have a SQL query update that fixes the manager field for users?
Since KACE imports the manager field as the DN, it doesn't work properly. I currently have it setup to set Custom 4 as the manager, so I can run a SQL command to only grab the needed information and then set it as the manager field. My SQL skills are a bit rusty, so asking if anyone has a rule that already does this.
Tried the fix from here: https://www.itninja.com/blog/view/adding-manager-information-to-your-kace-user-table
But doesn't seem to work, get the following error: 12/05/2019 10:36:36> Starting: 12/05/2019 10:36:36 12/05/2019 10:36:36> Executing Select Query... 12/05/2019 10:36:36> mysqli error: [1054: Unknown column 'CUSTOM_4' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("update `USER` Set `CUSTOM_4` = IF( LOCATE('CN=', `CUSTOM_4`) > 0, SUBSTRING(`CUSTOM_4`, 4, LOCATE(',', `CUSTOM_4`) - 4), `CUSTOM_4` ) ")
Answers (1)
import the LDAP UID as "distinguishedname" from ldap
CN=" ", OU= " ", DC= " ", DC= " ". So, I have seen people in the past setting it as the Custom Field and then using a SQL statement to grab just the Manager's name from that string and then set it to the manager's field of the user. - boston491 4 years ago