
K2000 - Wim Capture fail on 3.6.98680

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Our current WIM capture process isn't working

One of the preinstallation tasks include capturing the WIM file, with the command line as below:


imagex /compress maximum /check /flags "Enterprise" /capture C: T:\install.wim "Windows 7 Enterprise" "Windows 7 Enterprise"

 this has stopped working since our last upgrade to 3.6

please let me know what i'm supposed to modify.


thank you

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • are you storing these externally to the kbox? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
  • Well normally the process was after the wim was captured it would auto store in the


    Folder but now when we try to do the same process after the update it just shows fail unknown error. - Ghostfacexkilla 10 years ago
  • I would also like to know if there is a fix for this. I am no longer able to capture WIM. Interal kbox during the process it KBE startup it would map to the "T:\petemp" - anonymous_99506 10 years ago
  • Following as we have the same issue! - h4zel 10 years ago

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