
KACE not sending notification emails for tickets

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I have inherited a recently deployed KACE environment and have started configuring a K1000. I have confirmed through the control panel and the queue configuration page that all email settings are working correctly. I am getting KACE test emails successfully. When creating/modifying a ticket, owners are not getting email notifications for any of the parameters that have been selected. When running the "email sending" diagnostic tool , I am getting test emails generated with what seems to be successful diagnostic logs.

Edit: I can also successfully send KACE and email for ticket creation

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

IN the email configuration page for the queue, first make sure that you have ticks in the appropriate column and row, try "Owner" and "Any change", save the settings and see if the situation is resolved.

You can also check any of the ServiceDesk email logs under Settings>Logs to see if any entries are appearing.

Finally just as a thought, please let us know what version of the SMA you are running as some older versions had known issues with email sending after they were released

Posted by: ludmila.duarte 3 years ago
White Belt

Olá Pessoal! O meu KAce está na versão 11.0.273 e também está a´presentando este mesmo problema, ha aproximadamente 30 dias.

  • please update to a supported version (ie 12.0 as of today) and always ask in English since only a really small fraction of the IT Ninjas speaks Portugese. - Nico_K 3 years ago

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