
KBOX [info] Caught an EXCEPTION during EXCEPTION processing inside DBUtils::report_server_crash() line 32

Hey all,

We have been having massive instability with our K1.

This is what my K1 log is full of.

What does it mean?

[2015-06-16 09:56:39 +1000] KBOX [info] Caught an EXCEPTION during EXCEPTION processing inside DBUtils::report_server_crash() line 32

Also of note in the server errors log:

PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't create a new thread (errno 35); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in /usr/local/share/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 365

Thanks guys

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Check your available disk space and create a support ticket either way. - Jbr32 9 years ago
  • We just started getting this same behavior today. I've submitted a support ticket and am waiting to hear from Kace. It would be helpful if people followed up on their posts to share what they did to address their issue. Will post back once the errors have been resolved. - awenwonder 8 years ago
  • Well, in our situation this was caused by corruption in the mysql database (caused by a vMotion migration for some reason when our storage guy moved the vm to a new host in the cluster). Kace engineers had to tether into our K1000 virtual machine and recreate some tables and restart everything. So far things appear to be resolved, but we're giving it a few more days before we close the case. In short, there's nothing you can do if you see the issues described in this post - submit a ticket and Support should be able to help you. On a side note, we avoided the potential of having to do an appliance restore, but others may not be so lucky - run those backups! - awenwonder 8 years ago

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