
Launch Teamviewer with Machine Action

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I am able to get the TeamViewer ID of each PC and Mac using a custom field.  But when I try to create the machine action to launch TeamViewer and use that ID, it fails.  I am using a Mac and this is what I am putting in the Machine Action field.

open –a TeamViewer --args –i KACE_CUSTOM_INVENTORY_TEAMVIEWID –P xxxxxxxxxx


I keep receiving the error "Invalid URL"

Has anyone done this with a Mac?  I found one post here, http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k1000-machine-action-s-to-launch-os-x-support-tools

But it seems to have left out a few pieces that I will need to get it to work.  I am new to this.


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Have you attempted using IP_Address instead of TV_ID? - jpplante 10 years ago
  • Has anyone gotten this to work with a non mac? I've successfully gotten KACE to extract the TeamViewer ID with versions 9 and 11, but am having trouble with the Device Action to work in KACE 6.4 - DaveMT 8 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: dgretch 10 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

Although I don't have the answer to this question, I can provide a little guidance. In fact, I'm trying to get this to work myself, using the same reference link you provided, but haven't gotten it 100% yet. 

You can't use your code in the machine action (now Device Action in v6.0) field. As far as I know, the only supported way to do this is with a URL protocol, using Safari. In other words, you can't pass applescript, shell, bash or any other scripting language into this. In order to get it to work, you would have to create a custom URL handler on your Mac (example: tvlaunch) and call that from the Device Action field (example: tvlaunch://KACE_CUSTOM_INVENTORY_TEAMVIEWERID) 

I am, however, unable to get my custom URL handler to work. So if you can manage to figure that out, please let me know!

  • Hey there,

    I was wondering if you ever had any luck in this? I was the one who created that original post and may be able to assist you a little.

    You are exactly right on your analyses, in fact my original post basically advises to create a new URL protocol.

    However one caveat, I have never been able to get it to be able to pass TeamViewer ID's properly. My example used IP Addresses instead.

    After you create the tvlaunch application with the URL Handler, what is the outcome when you use Safari to browse to tvlaunch://ip.addr.ess?? Does it pull up the Teamviewer program at all? - jpplante 10 years ago
    • I gave up on this after grinding on it for another day or two. I'm the only sysadmin at my shop using a Mac for my daily work, so it really only affects me. So I resorted to sucking it up and waiting the 2 extra clicks.

      I'm confused a little by your post...were you able to get the URL handler to launch TV from Safari, and so your issue is only in getting the target ID into the app, or are you still not able to get the URL Handler to work? - dgretch 10 years ago
      • I had the whole thing working just fine. I never used the TV ID as the argument though. I always called it up via IP Address. That is how I wrote the script. So my example I originally posted was always looking for the IP Address and NOT the TV ID.

        Basically with my original post I was able to launch TV from Safari no problem using tvlaunch://ip.addr.ess. Once that worked I just simply made the K1000 action. - jpplante 10 years ago
    • Oh! Well then...can I ask how you set up your URL handler? - dgretch 10 years ago
      • Its all defined in the application itself right in the info.plist file of the App. When you create the blank application using applescript and save it as an application, it creates all of the necessary files. Edit the info.plist file and add the URL portion in there.

        Its called the URL SCHEME step one of my original write up.

        Look here for more info: http://www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/linktrigger/ - jpplante 10 years ago
    • There's a connection somewhere I'm not getting. What does your applescript code look like? How do you pass the IP address as a variable to the shell? - dgretch 10 years ago
      • I can't seem to find a way to easily paste the script this site removes the formatting and puts in its own. Is there an easy way I can just simply attach a rich text file that you know of? - jpplante 10 years ago
    • Yep! pastebin will be your new best friend: http://pastebin.com/ - dgretch 10 years ago
      • Awesome! That will be my new best friend!!! Ok here is the main code script I did.


        And here is the info.plist file I use
        http://pastebin.com/tuU35V1B - jpplante 10 years ago
      • Don't forget this is an applescript saved as an application. Also in the main script don't forget to put the actual path of TeamViewer. Mine was in a TeamViewer 8 folder in the applications. I was able to modify it to use TeamViewer 9 as well FYI. - jpplante 10 years ago
    • AWESOME. This works like a charm for me using the teamviewer ID custom inventory rule I created + my machine action from above. You're not able to pass the ID to the app? What do your custom inventory rule and machine action look like? - dgretch 10 years ago
      • To be honest its been a while since I tried the TV ID. It may work just fine but IP does as well so I never really bothered too much on the ID.

        So is it working now? - jpplante 10 years ago
    • Yea it works for me, I appreciate the help a ton. IP isn't feasible for me at all but this works great either way - dgretch 10 years ago
      • Excellent! I am glad it works now... I am actually surprised how many people have actually found this useful at all. I thought for sure I would be the only one LOL.

        Also thanks for the tip about paste bin! - jpplante 10 years ago
      • I'd love to hear how you got it to pass your TeamViewer Custom Inventory ID through. I can get it to Launch TeamViewer, but can't get it to pull the ID from my custom field. my code is
        "%ProgramFiles%\\TeamViewer\\TeamViewer.exe" -i MACHINE_CUSTOM_INVENTORY.SOFTWARE_ID=11225 --Password xxxxxxx - DaveMT 8 years ago

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