
Looking for a report that will show devices not patched within the last 90 days

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I am hoping that this hasn't already been covered.  I am not good at building custom reports.  I would love to have a report that shows devices that haven't patched within X number of days.

Also, I'm excited to be better at report building, so please teach me to fish!

Many Thanks,

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Do you mean a report showing machines that have not run a successful deployment in the last x days? - Hobbsy 3 years ago
    • Exactly! Yes :) - awingren 3 years ago
  • Yeah I would like this to. Basically, in the installed patches, notify when the date of the last patch installed exceeds X amount of days. - lama01 3 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Mashby1 3 years ago
Purple Belt

With Kace reports, I am sure you know this, but there are two main ways to make reports> The wizard is awesome for anyone, even if you know little of what you are doing. Patch detect and deployments may be a good topic to start with on the wizard (in the first step of creating the report with the wizard you choose the topic). It gives you the choice of any of these fields:

Deploy Attempts

Deploy Attempts Remaining

Deploy Date

Deploy Errors

Deploy Status

Detect Date

Detect Errors

Detect Status

Device Name

Max Deploy Attempts Possible

Patch Title

Rollback Date

Rollback Status

Rollback Tries

Stage Errors

Stage Status

Stage Status Date

Number of Records Analyzed

So go through the wizard with that and see if you can do what you are wanting and get good results using the wizard: then on the last step "filters" you would just filter on whichever date field you want in within the last 90 days. 

The other really powerful way to make reports is SQL. If you google what you are looking for in a Kace report, someone has probably already made something similar you can start with - but this is not great or helpful if you do not know SQL. If you DO know SQL, this is also super helpful: schema_bootkamp.jpg (2690×1867) (foreignkid.net)

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