Machine Actions
I have found some good listings for machine actions listed on the site but I was curious if anyone had any other to share, I was curious in regards to anthing with Gpupdate, regedit, or anthing that would be a useful tool. I fould a good list of over 20 on the site but I would love to have more tools for my techs to use in a massively growing environment.
Answers (3)
Here is a table specifying the different OS commands:
Generally, anything you can run from the command line can be used as a machine action. In 5.4 and above you can also use this:
Thank you every one for the cmd prompts. Does anyone have any more examples of options they would like to share so other can also build a good knowledge base? - 11 years ago
Check this link:
There you can find all actions (commandlines) you need.