Managed Install - Java 8 Update 40
Answers (10)
This installer seems to reference a file called java.settings.cfg and since it didn't exist our installer was failing. Creating an empty dummy file fixed the problem for us.
IF NOT EXIST "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg" @ECHO.>"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg"
wmic product where "name like 'Java 7%%' or name like 'Java 8%%'" call uninstall
start /wait jre-8u40-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1 STATIC=0 AUTO_UPDATE=0
it took wmic 10 minutes to run on my machine - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
I did this as a managed install. - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Thanks mate, tried everything you said but still couldn't get it to install properly - I get the same issues as previous with the process showing up briefly but then disappearing with no install. - onionst 9 years ago
If that doesn't work, try putting the whole string in the same set of quotes.
Past that, you can run your install command in PSexec to test whether or not it's a permissions issue:
if it doesn't run in PSexec, switch to an online kscript and use the run as feature to provide administrator credentials.
This seems to get it closest to working - if I select the "Wait for completion" option when using my administrator credentials it will install, but only after you click Yes on a UAC prompt.
Same thing happens when I do the PSExec test, displays a UAC prompt which I find quite odd!
Still doing more testing to see if I can get around it.
Thanks for your help, will keep you updated! - onionst 9 years ago -
Nevermind, i found it:
All java silent install switches - brucegoose03 9 years ago
>extracting this .msi and then trying to run it gives me the 1722 error.
Ultimately, this is all that 'jre-8u40-windows-i586.exe' is doing so the end result will be the same.
Remember that the JRE MSI isn't a 'proper' MSI. Clearly, the finer points of packaging continue to elude the folks at Oracle so they just compress the installing EXE into the Binary table, extract, then run it. Yup, that's right: an EXE (jre-8u40-windows-i586.exe) which extracts an MSI which then extracts and executes another EXE (installer.exe). Awesome thinking behind that one...
1722 is telling you that the Custom Action which performs this execution failed. Your only option with this brain-dead set-up is to ProcMon it as it goes to see why it's failing. My money's on permissions.
ProcMon doesn't show any Access Denied errors - I can see a few Path Not Found and some Name Not Found results... could this be affecting it? - onionst 9 years ago
Top Answer
Hi All,
Im trying to install two different McAfee packages but both are same version with different configuration, one frame pkg for Region1 and another for Region 2, how i can do this MI ?
when I create new managed install im able to associate only one file at a time, any idea how can i perform this ? as i need to perform the two installation with different configuration at a time..I have zipped both the frame pkgs, and trying to call as below
Managed Install 1:
Override Default Installation
Full Command Line:
Managed Install 2:
Override Default Installation
Full Command Line:
would this work? - rahimpal 8 years ago-
You can zip them up. MI's will auto-unzip your files for you. - brucegoose03 8 years ago
Full Command Line:
is this command correct? - rahimpal 8 years ago
I'd be trying labels for your issue mate, sounds like you need to sort your machines by region first and then you can create the managed install (deselect only display records with an associated file). - onionst 8 years ago
msiexec /i "%~dp0\jre1.8.0_40.msi" JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 RebootYesNo=No WEB_JAVA=1 /qn /L*v %TEMP%\jre8u40.log
%~dp0 includes the trailing backslash so your command line would be look like this: 'msiexec /I some_path\a_folder\\jre1.8.0_40.msi... etc. - anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Thanks mate, but as stated in my original post, extracting this .msi and then trying to run it gives me the 1722 error. - onionst 9 years ago
After extracting the msi use Orca to edit .msi and create .mst.
Open the table “CustomAction” and select the row “installexe”. Change the value in the field “Type” to 3074 (or Hex 0x0C02). This will set the NoImpersonate bit. - aragorn.2003 9 years ago
Are you sure that the transform is being applied? The '/T' switch is only used when advertising an application. To apply at installation time, you need to use the special property TRANSFORMS, as in:
msiexec.exe /i "%~DP0jre1.8.0_40.msi" TRANSFORMS="%~DP0java8u40.mst"
Not sure if it's being applied, but the install pushes out without any errors, so I'm stoked! - onionst 9 years ago
I use the MSI and created the MST with ORCA but get a 1603 error. If I run the MSI interactively I get an error about a missing file. If I use jre-8u40-windows-i586.exe it installs okay. - csjjpm 9 years ago
If you can use the .exe - I'd stick to that. Never had any problems with it previously until this version, which is why I've had to go the .msi/.mst route! - onionst 9 years ago
I also tried with out out log and also tried to copy java.settings.cfg under C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\ but no luck. - innovateus 9 years ago